My 10 Self Care Ideas (And some Quirkiness to Keep Things Interesting!)

self care ideas

Self care ideas are my way of adding a little extra joy to my daily routine. Routine runs in my veins—Monday to Friday, it’s like a well-oiled machine. My days follow a familiar script: the kids, school drop-offs, work, and the daily dilemma of coffee or matcha, rinse, repeat. But even within this well-worn groove, I’ve snuck in a few self care ideas to keep me feeling like me.

Whether it’s stealing a moment of quiet with a captivating book or tuning into a brain food podcast episode while whipping up breakfast, these little pauses are my reminders to stay with myself a bit

I love discovering ways to infuse my day with meaning and recharge my spirit, even amid the chaos. After all, it’s those small self care moments that truly make a difference.

These aren’t the kind of self care ideas that require waking up at 5 a.m. or downloading a new app that promises to change your life (but mostly just clogs your phone). Nope, these are the kind of self care rituals that fit right into your already-busy day—tiny ways to hit the reset button and reclaim a bit of sanity.

Self care ideas as easy as 1,2,3

Let’s dive in:

1. Walk in Nature: My Version of Daily Forest Bathing

Ah, the classic of classics. Everyone loves a good walk in the woods, but I’m talking about something deeper—Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing.

The Japanese swear by it, and for good reason.

Imagine letting your soul take a long, leisurely soak in a tub filled with tree air and birdsong.

Lucky for me, I live close to the Bois de Boulogne (a vast park in Paris—don’t let the sordid rumors fool you—it’s mostly a family-friendly oasis).

In this tranquil pocket of nature, the soothing sounds of leaves rustling and water gently lapping at the shore act as a balm for my mind.

Dragonflies flit about while ducklings glide across the lake, and the sunlight dances on the water’s surface, creating a shimmering display.

This peaceful escape rejuvenates my spirit, reminding me of the beauty in stillness and the simple joys of being present.

2. Connect with Someone Who Makes You Sparkle

Years ago, I was just a sleep-deprived new mom. I went for a walk with my 4-month-old, and at some point, I was starving.

So, I took advantage of my baby sleeping in the stroller to grab something to eat and have some coffee.

But that wasn’t meant to be.

Halfway through my soup, my son woke up and started having a meltdown. Eyeballs were on me.

Now I was also worried about the hot soup—would I spill it?

Enter Suzanne, a woman in her seventies with the energy of a kid on a sugar high.

Suzanne walked over and began gently talking to my baby while I prepared his bottle. I invited her to sit at my table, and we started to chat, just like that.

It felt like we’d known each other forever.

Fast forward seven years, and we now meet almost every weekend.

We’ve switched cafés since the first one closed. My kids adore her, and I get my much-needed Suzanne fix—her joie de vivre is downright contagious!

In a way, we’ve become like family to her, especially since her three children don’t live in Paris anymore.

The eldest two are in the South of France, while the youngest married a Chinese lady and now lives in Singapore.

Self-care doesn’t always mean alone time; sometimes, it’s about soaking up the sunshine that other people radiate.

self care ideas

3. Horror and Paranormal Podcasts

This is one of my strange self care ideas. Now, this is where my self care ideas get a little…odd.

Some people unwind with soft music or meditation.

Me? I dive headfirst into horror and paranormal podcasts.

There’s nothing quite like having your heart race as you wash the dishes!

Current faves? Another World, Arkham Inn, and The Lovecraft Investigations.

The irony is that I listen to these stories right before bed, and instead of nightmares, I sleep like a baby. Go figure.

4. Podcasts for Learning: Nourishing My Inner Nerd

On the days when I don’t want to be scared, I lean into my curiosity.

Since childhood, I’ve been a bottomless pit of questions, so I binge on podcasts that feed my brain.

The Jordan Harbinger Show, 99% Invisible, Cautionary Tales, and Freakonomics Radio are just a few on my roster.

I get to listen to smart people talk about weird, fascinating things—and every episode leaves me feeling just a little more clued in about the world. It’s like school, but without the bad cafeteria food.

One of my favorite episodes—truly a standalone entry in the realm of self care ideas— is Cautionary Tales’sBowie, Jazz, and the Unplayable Piano.”

Tim Harford dives into Keith Jarrett’s unforgettable concert in Cologne, where an “unplayable” piano, completely out of tune, transformed Jarrett into a jazz legend overnight.

This concert wasn’t just a showcase of talent; it highlighted the magic that happens when creativity collides with chaos.

Harford used the unplayable piano to illustrate the mind-bending collaboration between David Bowie and Brian Eno, highlighted by the Oblique Strategies cards.

The Oblique Strategies cards featured a series of thought-provoking prompts designed to shake up conventional thinking and spark creativity.

By encouraging artists to explore uncharted territory, these cards played a significant role in Bowie and Eno’s innovative collaboration, reshaping the ’70s music scene and proving that a little chaos can lead to extraordinary artistic breakthroughs.

This strange, chaotic work process helped Bowie create his best-acclaimed albums, showing us that when you embrace spontaneity and collaboration, you can turn life’s hiccups into unforgettable art —whatever that art may mean to you.

So yes, self care ideas sometimes are crazy ideas—obstacles that ultimately add depth and dimension to our lives.

"What makes you alert is to be faced with a situation that is beyond your control"- Brian Eno Share on X

5. Journaling as a Portal to My Inner World

Okay, I know—journaling is often considered one of those self care ideas cliché. But hear me out. I have this urge to commit my thoughts to paper; otherwise, I’m left with a nagging feeling that hidden gems are buried in the cacophony of my mind—gems I might lose forever if I don’t sort them out.

When I journal, it’s not just a brain dump of my day; it’s like I’m the detective in my own life, investigating the case of “What the heck just happened today?”

Writing things down provides me with a fresh perspective and a chance to sift through the chaos and uncover something meaningful.

Plus, there’s an undeniable satisfaction in using up the last page of a notebook. An instant dopamine hit!

As I engage in this act, I can’t help but feel like I’m following in the footsteps of a rich tradition that has long celebrated writing as a powerful tool for reflection and self-expression.

From philosophers like Marcus Aurelius in Meditations to modern authors like Anne Frank, journaling captures the complexities of the human experience.

It reminds me that I’m part of a continuum of individuals, each striving to understand themselves and their world through the written word.

Keep reading: Journaling like Montaigne – with Prompts

6. Scream Therapy with a Pillow

This playful self care technique involves letting out your frustrations by screaming into a pillow.

Choose a quiet spot in your home, grab a soft pillow, and let out a good scream into it to muffle the sound and release some pent-up frustration.

It’s surprisingly cathartic and offers an instant relief from built-up emotions, giving you a refreshing sense of lightness afterward.

Not only does it relieve stress, but it also lets you unleash your playful side—definitely a win among self care ideas!

After I scream, I feel so good that I have to laugh to finish the session. Remember, it’s all about letting it out, so don’t hold back!

7. Genuinely praise someone, especially a stranger

A simple compliment can brighten someone’s day and enhance your own happiness—one of the best self care ideas!

For instance, while waiting in line at your favorite café, you might notice the barista’s latte art, worthy of its own gallery. Instead of keeping that admiration to yourself, share it: “Wow, that latte art is incredible! You’ve got some serious skills!”

Their smile will light up, and you’ll feel your mood lift too. Complimenting others is like giving a little gift wrapped in kindness—one of those effortless self care ideas that keeps things light and simple.

So, whether you admire a stranger’s fabulous shoes or compliment a friend’s hairstyle, don’t hold back! Your words could elevate someone’s day from ordinary to extraordinary. Who knows?

This small act of kindness could even spark a new friendship.

After all, being a beacon of positivity helps create meaningful connections, making both your lives a little brighter—just one of the many self care ideas that can change the world around you!

8. My Little Plant Jungle

I may not live in a full-blown jungle (yet), but my growing corner of houseplants is my personal retreat.

When I curl up in my sofa, surrounded by leafy green friends, it feels like I’m tucked into Mother Nature’s arms.

Monstera leaves looming overhead? Check. A good book in hand? Double-check.

By the time I emerge from my plant cocoon, I’m ready to face dinner prep, bedtime chaos, and all the other delightful mom duties that await.

self care ideas

9. Binge-Reading Thrillers

Another classic among self care ideas, and with good reason. You know that feeling when a book is so good you sneak off to read it in stolen moments—between chores, during kids’ soccer practice, in the bathroom when they won’t leave you alone?

That’s me with thrillers. Right now, I’m tearing through Jo Nesbø’s works like there’s no tomorrow. I love the suspense, the twisty plots—it’s definitely one of my favorite self care ideas.

10. Skincare Rituals: Indulgence in a Bottle

If self care had a fragrance, it would evoke the scent of fresh lotion, a hint of luxurious perfume, and the essence of high-end skincare!

Nothing lifts my spirits quite like a rejuvenating beauty ritual.

I relish the sensation of slathering on rich creams, experimenting with enticing serums, and immersing myself in the delightful sensory experience of exploring new scents and textures, all while enveloped in the warm, comforting embrace of post-shower steam.

It’s pure bliss, a moment where self care transforms into an aromatic escape for the senses.

Self care and self indulgence? Yes, please.

Self Care Ideas 101

What are the self care ideas you swear by?

So, those are my self care ideas—some traditional, some odd, but all deeply mine.

They’re small moments that help me pause, reset, and just be. What about you? Any quirky or unexpected self care ideas you swear by? Maybe we can swap a few and discover new ways to unwind and reconnect with ourselves!

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